Zimbabwe poultry industry deemed self-sufficient

Poultry producers in Zimbabwe are now capable of meeting domestic demand for poultry, and will not need to rely on imports, an industry leader said.

Poultry producers in Zimbabwe are now capable of meeting domestic demand for poultry, and will not need to rely on imports, an industry leader said.

“We won’t have shortage of day-old chicks again (and) prices of day-old chicks have gone down by almost 30 percent,” Zimbabwe Poultry Farmers’ Association Chairman George Nare told NewsDay. “We are not going to talk about shortage of chicken anymore. Demand is good and what producers need to do is to look for the market and secure it.”

However, Nare said the Zimbabwe poultry industry was at a recovering stage adding that stock feeds remained a problem.

In July 2015, players in the poultry industry in Zimbabwe cut chicken prices by 23 percent, with indications that the market had been flooded by cheap imports, mostly from South Africa and Brazil.

Last year, the Zimbabwe government introduced a law requiring importers of selected agricultural products, including poultry and sugar, to apply for licenses in a bid to control imports flooding the local market.

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