Brazil poultry industry targets value-added chicken on home market

With poultry meat consumption in Brazil now so high, the industry is looking at not only growing per capita poultry meat consumption, but increasingly at encouraging the consumption of added value products.

With poultry meat consumption in Brazil now so high, the industry is looking at not only growing per capita poultry meat consumption, but increasingly at encouraging the consumption of value-added products.

Executive president of the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) Francisco Turra has said: “We have per capita consumption equivalent to that of the USA, and almost four times greater than that of the European Union. With such high levels of consumption, companies are looking to increase not only consumption per person, but they are primarily looking to direct the consumer to added-value products.”

The national agricultural society (SNA), says that poultry meat is the most consumed animal protein in Brazil, and consumed by 100 percent of households.

According to Turra, while consumption figures for last year are yet to be finalized, the country is among the 10 biggest consumers of poultry meat in the world. 2014’s production of poultry meat was beaten only by the amount produced in 2011. Brazilian exports of poultry meat, however, reached record levels.

Turra believes that the outlook for 2015 is positive for the industry.

“The recognition of new plants for exports to China, together with the ongoing shipments to Russia and other important markets, will contribute to the expected 3 percent growth in volumes this year,” he said.

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