Brazilian, US chicken satisfies growing South Korean appetite

A record high was recorded on chicken imports to South Korea is due to the popularity of fried chicken with beer, reads the headline ofthe news item published by the South Korean Yonhap News Agency.

"A record high was recorded on chicken imports due to the popularity of fried chicken with beer," reads the headline of the news item published by the South Korean Yonhap News Agency. It expands on that by saying "South Korea chicken imports registered a record high mainly due to the popularity of the dish of fried chicken with beer, commonly called ‘chimaek,’ and to the increased consumption of different parts of this bird."

Quoting the South Korean Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency (QIA), Yonhap reported that chicken imports of this nation reached 107,000 metric tons during the first ten months of this year, exceeding 85,000 metric tons recorded during the same period last year and 103,000 metric tons during all of 2013.

According to the South Korean Rural Economics Institute, it is estimated that by the end of 2014, total imports will be of 125,000 metric tons.

"After 2005, chicken imports had remained between 30,000 to 60,000 metric tons per year, approximately. But in 2010, this amount reached 98,000 metric tons and since 2011 the figure has remained above 100,000 metric tons for the fourth consecutive year."

Among the main countries that chicken is imported from are Brazil and the United States, due to low prices. The main reasons are attributed to the restaurant industry that has launched new chicken dishes and especially the dish "chimaek," which has a great popularity among young South Koreans.
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