Burger King, Starbucks, Papa John’s cut Husi Food Co. ties

Burger King, Starbucks andPapa John’s have cut ties with Husi Food Co., acompany accused of selling expired meats to Chinese restaurants.

As Chinese authorities investigate allegations that Husi Food Co., a subsidiary of OSI Group, sold expired poultry and beef to McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut and Dicos restaurants in China, the list of restaurants that have cut ties with Husi Food is growing. In addition to the four restaurants identified, Burger King, Starbucks and Papa John’s have also stopped purchasing from Husi Food Co.

The international restaurant chains have ended their relationships with Husi Food Co., after China’s Dragon TV released a report, alleging that the company repackaged expired poultry and beef to include false expiration dates, and sold them to McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut and Dicos, a sandwich restaurant chain.

According to a USA Today report, Starbucks removed its Chicken Apple Panini from its shelves after it realized the dish, sourced from one of its suppliers, uses chicken provided by Husi.

Burger King China has launched a full investigation into the matter, and suspended the sale of all products that contain food that came from Husi. Papa John’s stated that meat in its beef and Italian sausage toppings at five of its locations in Shanghai came from Husi Food Co.

Husi Food meat reaches McDonald’s locations in Japan

McDonald's not only purchased meat products from Husi Food Co. for locations in China, but also in Japan. The fast food chain said it has severed ties to has stopped selling Chicken McNuggets at more than 1,300 outlets in Japan as those locations had been using chicken supplied by Husi. McDonald’s stated that the Husi had been supplying chicken to its Japan locations since 2002.

OSI Group continues investigation

After learning of the allegations that Husi Food Co. sold expired meat to the restaurant chains, parent company OSI Group decided to launch an investigation, which is ongoing. The company issued the following statement: “OSI Group takes very seriously a recent media report on Dragon TV regarding products manufactured by its subsidiary, Shanghai Husi Food Co. Ltd. Company management was appalled by the report and is dealing with the issue directly and quickly. The company has formed an investigation team, is fully cooperating with inspections being conducted by relevant, supervising government agencies, and is also conducting its own internal review. The company is committed to sharing the investigation results with the public and taking all necessary actions based on those results.

“Food safety is the cornerstone of our company and our guiding principal when serving the needs of our customers. We have zero tolerance for any actions that compromise food safety. We sincerely apologize to our customers for any problems this has caused and to consumers who may be affected by these events. Our company management believes this to be an isolated event, but takes full responsibility for the situation and will take appropriate actions swiftly and comprehensively.”

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