Tyson, LULAC donate 30,000 pounds of chicken

TysonFoods and the League of United Latin American Citizens partnered to donate30,000 pounds of chicken to Food Bank For New York City.

Tyson Foods and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) joined forces to donate 30,000 pounds of chicken to Food Bank For New York City, the city’s major hunger-relief organization working to end food poverty throughout the five boroughs. The announcement of the donation was held at the New York Hilton Hotel, where LULAC is holding its 85th National Convention and Exposition.

"I am thrilled to accept this important donation from Tyson Foods, Inc. and the League of United Latin American Citizens on behalf of the 1.5 million New York City residents who rely on Food Bank For New York City to put food on the table,” said Margarette Purvis, president and CEO of Food Bank For New York City. “Right now, many low-income New Yorkers are reducing their food intake and the quality of their food to get by financially. Our friends in the Latino community are among the hardest hit and suffer from the worst rates of food insecurity in this country. Nationally, 26 percent of Hispanic households struggle to afford enough food their families. This donation will have a wonderful impact on the communities we serve.”   

LULAC and Tyson Foods have jointly donated 1 million pounds of protein to food banks across the country and Puerto Rico since 2009. In the past 14 years, Tyson Foods has donated more than 96 million pounds of protein in the United States. 


“We are grateful on our 85th anniversary our partners join us in remembering the at-risk communities," said LULAC Executive Director Brent Wilkes. “This generous donation will add protein to the table for many families and seniors struggling with hunger in a city with a high rate of food insecurity.”


Tyson Foods’ “KNOW Hunger” campaign is focused on helping more people understand and join the effort to eliminate hunger in America.  The company also partners with Share Our Strength, Lift Up America, and Feeding America to raise awareness and help feed the hungry across the nation.

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