WATT Global Media to host VIV Europe Animal Welfare Conference

Learnmore about a variety of animal welfare issues, to be addressed at the AnimalWelfare Conference, hosted by WATT Global Media during VIV Europe. Theconference will be held from 10:35 to 11:20 a.m.  May 21 at the Jaarbeurs Utrecht Complex, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Learn more about a variety of animal welfare issues, to be addressed at the Animal Welfare Conference, hosted by WATT Global Media during VIV Europe. The conference will be held from 10:35 to 11:20 a.m.  May 21 at the Jaarbeurs Utrecht Complex, Utrecht, Netherlands.

To attend the conference, register for VIV Europe.

The Animal Welfare Conference will feature three presentations by animal welfare experts from the poultry industry.

The first session, Role of the Poultry Sector in the Implementation of the OIE Animal Welfare Standards, will be presented by Vincent Guyonnet, a scientific advisor to the International Egg Commission and a representative of the commission as a member of the Animal Welfare Working Group of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Guyonnet will offer a review of the approved OIE animal welfare standards for poultry, and discuss the work that is being done by the poultry industry in support of the implementation of the new standards.

The second session, Welfare and Sustainability in the Framework of Global Food Demand - Role of Broiler and Turkey Breeding, will be presented by Anne-Marie Neeteson-Van Nieuwenhoven, vice-president of welfare and compliance for Aviagen Group. She has served as the responsible manager of the European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB) and the Sustainable Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction Technology Platform (FABRE-TP).

Aline Veauthier of the Science and Information Centre for Sustainable Poultry Production, Vechta University, Germany, will give the final presentation, Transparency in the Poultry Industry. Veauthier will address how animal welfare groups and the media have been critical of the regional and sectoral concentration of the poultry industry in Germany. She will discuss a recent transparency project aimed at informing the public about modern systems of egg and poultry production that invites the public, the media and animal welfare organizations to see production methods in practice.

Mark Clements, editor of Poultry International, will serve as the moderator of the Animal Welfare Conference.

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