Qatar looks to Portugal for poultry imports

Looking to fill a growingdemand for chicken as its population grows, Qatar has reportedly entered talkswith Portugal to export poultry into Qatar. Presently, Qatar depends on importsto meet about 85 percent of its poultry meat demand.

Looking to fill a growing demand for chicken as its population grows, Qatar has reportedly entered talks with Portugal to export poultry into Qatar. Presently, Qatar depends on imports to meet about 85 percent of its poultry meat demand. 

Qatar Chamber Board Member Eng Ali Abdul Latif al Missned told the Qatar Tribune that Portugal's meat and poultry products are high in quality and follow slaughtering procedures that are in line with halal standards, therefore, it is hoped that Portugal can become Qatar’s main supplier of poultry. 

Reciprocal opportunities for trade between Portugal and Qatar are being sought in the negotiations, as Qatar hopes export timber and building materials, as well as certain agricultural commodities, to Portugal.

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