China approves five more Brazilian poultry processing plants

Five more Brazilian poultry processing plants have been approved for export to China. The newly recognized plants, two owned by BRF, two by JBS and one by Frango Bello, bring the total number of plants allowed to export to China to 24.

Five more Brazilian poultry processing plants have been approved for export to China. The newly recognized plants, two owned by BRF, two by JBS and one by Frango Bello, bring the total number of plants allowed to export to China to 24.

Discussions with the Chinese certification authorities on recognition of more plants are ongoing.

"The Chinese market has a high demand for animal protein, and there is great potential to expand our trade partnership. To this end, we are focused, together with the government, on bringing a new Chinese mission back to the country soon," said Franciso Turra, executive president of Brazil's poultry industry association Ubabef.

China is the sixth largest export market for Brazilian chicken. In 2013, it took 5 percent of all shipments, totaling 190,300 tons with a value of US$440.7 million. During the first two months of 2014, Brazil exported 32,300 tons of poultry meat to China, worth US$72.5 million.

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