David Van Hoose selected for 2014 Poultry Lifetime Achievement Award

With more than 45 years in the poultry industry, David Van Hoose has hada significant impact on the advancement of the poultry industry as well as onthe companies for whom he has worked. Because of his years of contributions tothe poultry Industry, Van Hoose has been selected for the National Poultry& Food Distributors Association (SPFDA) Poultry Industry LifetimeAchievement Award.

With more than 45 years in the poultry industry, David Van Hoose has had a significant impact on the advancement of the poultry industry as well as on the companies for which he has worked. Because of his years of contributions to the poultry industry, Van Hoose has been selected for the National Poultry & Food Distributors Association (NPFDA) Poultry Industry Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Mr. Van Hoose on Wednesday, January 29, at the Annual NPFDA Awards Reception at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, 5:30-7:30 p.m.  NPFDA has presented the Poultry Industry Lifetime Achievement Award annually since 1991.

Van Hoose   was   born   in   Paintsville,   Ky. His family   moved   to   Ohio and he grew up   on   a 105-acre poultry, dairy and grain farm. He   graduated from Ohio State University with   a degree in agriculture and began his career in the   poultry industry.

Van Hoose worked for Perdue Farms for seven years. He began as a broiler technician, moved to   sales, then to plant manager at   Accomac, Va. He later became a grow-out manager.

He then worked in Maine for Hillcrest as general manager, then in   Arkansas with Valmac   Industries as Dardanelle     plant manager before becoming the complex manager .

He worked in Mississippi   at B.C.   Rogers   as general manager.  Van Hoose  also worked for Mountaire Farms, first as complex manager   and then   as vice president. He worked with   Cargill   as   general manager   for its   Delaware poultry    operations. While in Delaware,   he   served as president of the Delmarva Poultry Industry   for   one   year.

Van Hoose   started working   for Pilgrim's in 1988. He began as   executive   president over   processing   in 1990 and was    promoted   to   general manager   of   Pilgrim's Mexican   operations. In   1995,   he   became   president and   general   manager    of   those   operations. In   1998,   he   relocated   to   Texas where Pilgrim's was   second   in   volume   in   Mexico   and   had    distribution   through   most   of   the country   and   employed   approximately   4,000   people.

Van Hoose   was   promoted   to   president,   CEO and chief operating officer   of Pilgrim's.   Pilgrim's acquired   WLR   and    a   further-processing   plant   in   Waco,   Texas,   during   his tenure. He   retired from   Pilgrim's in 2003.

He   went   to   work   for   Case   Foods   in   September   2003   as   president   and   chief operating officer   until   2009. He   was    asked to come   back   to   Case   Foods in 2011,   when he again   worked   as   president   and   chief operating officer   until    February   2012.   Van Hoose   still   holds   a seat   on   the Case Foods board.

"David has been instrumental in the success and growth of Case Farms for over 10 years," said Kevin Phillips, president and chief operating officer of Case Farms.  "He has provided exceptional leadership to our management team and has been a true mentor to me. He is not only a tremendous leader but a remarkable gentleman. Case Farms would not be the company it is today if not for him. He is absolutely worthy of this award."

Mike Popowycz, vice chairman and chief financial offier of Case Farms, added "David is an outstanding leader and individual. His knowledge of the poultry industry is unsurpassed. David made all the managers at Case Farms better than we thought we could be. He has the ability to bring out the best in each individual and create a winning team concept.  David helped to make Case Farms the successful company it is today. He is a true friend that is deserving of this award."

Van Hoose  and his wife, Charlotte,   currently   live in   Georgetown,   S.C. They have   five   children and   10   grandchildren.

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