CDC: Salmonella outbreak tied to Foster Farms chicken is under control

The Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) says a Salmonellaoutbreak traced to three Foster Farms poultry plants in California appears tobe over. As many as 430 people in the United States and Puerto Rico became illas a result of the outbreak that was tied to Foster Farms chicken processed ata Foster Farms poultry plant in Livingston, Calif., and two plants in Fresno,Calif.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a Salmonella outbreak traced to three Foster Farms poultry plants in California appears to be over. As many as 430 people in the United States and Puerto Rico became ill as a result of the outbreak that was tied to Foster Farms chicken processed at a Foster Farms poultry plant in Livingston, Calif., and two plants in Fresno, Calif.

A CDC spokesperson said that infections have returned to baseline levels, according to an Associated Press report, indicating the company has taken effective measures to bring the Salmonella outbreak under control.

The illnesses were reported from 23 states and Puerto Rico, but 74 percent of those people infected were in California, according to the CDC.

The connection between Foster Farms and Salmonella outbreaks initially came to light on October 7, 2013, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) issued a public health alert for raw chicken packaged the three Foster Farms' facilities in California. At the time, 278 people had fallen ill due to Salmonella.

Foster Farms did not issue a recall of its products from those three facilities. However, several grocery chains -- including Kroger and Costco -- did. FSIS later reviewed Foster Farms' food safety controls, and found them to be adequate.


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