IPPE luncheon highlights industry lessons learned, future

Dr. Don Jackson, retired CEO for JBS, spoke at the 2013 International Processing & Production Expo in Atlanta, Ga., highlighting his lessons learned in the poultry industry and his predictions for the industry's future. “Make sure you know where the money’s coming from," said Jackson.

Dr. Don Jackson, retired CEO for JBS, spoke at the 2013 International Processing & Production Expo in Atlanta, Ga., highlighting his lessons learned in the poultry industry and his predictions for the industry's future.

“Make sure you know where the money’s coming from," said Jackson. "That sounds so basic in business, and yet I see it abused all the time. In looking at how a business is performing, we are attributing value in areas that are not creating value, and we are robbing value from areas that are."

Jackson reflected on his experiences in the poultry industry, with an emphasis on lessons learned throughout the years. He also provided his projections on the future of the poultry industry, remarking that he is still very optimistic. However, the industry has to maintain its global competitive edge. “The journey past is not the journey forward," he said. "If we continue to apply the same solutions to new problems, we are going to be disappointed with the results. I challenge us as an industry to really think differently about the future than we have thought about a very successful past."


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