University of Georgia receives $13,210 USPOULTRY Foundation grant

The University of Georgia poultry science department has received a $13,210 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation. Pete Martin, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association board member, presented the check to Dr. Mike Lacy, professor and head of the poultry science department at the University of Georgia.

The University of Georgia poultry science department has received a $13,210 student recruiting grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation

Pete Martin, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association board member, presented the check to Dr. Mike Lacy, professor and head of the poultry science department at the University of Georgia. Mike Giles, president of the Georgia Poultry Federation, assisted in the check presentation.

“On behalf of the department of poultry science, I want to thank the USPOULTRY Foundation again for their generous support of our undergraduate recruiting efforts," said Lacy. "This support has made it possible for us to leverage additional resources for recruitment purposes. I am pleased that our poultry science and avian biology majors continue to thrive. We could not have accomplished this without your support. As much as the financial assistance is appreciated, even more important to us is the genuine interest and concern you have for our program."

The USPOULTRY Foundation board recently approved student recruiting grants totaling more than $160,000 to the six U.S. universities with poultry science departments and 15 other institutions with industry-related programs. The foundation provides annual recruiting funds to colleges and universities to attract students to their poultry programs.

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