Multi-country poultry association established in Africa

New industry association will see a number of countries collaborating to solve issues in the African market for poultry.

(Andre Butare)
(Andre Butare)

The inaugural meeting of the Confederation of African Organizations for the Development of Poultry was held on May 4th. The organization has chosen to go by the acronym of CADA, from its French name the Confédération des organisations Africaines pour le Développement de l’Aviculture. 

CADA comprises the poultry associations from 17 African countries, and its first meeting took place during the 15th International Exhibition of Agriculture in Morocco. Amongst issues that the association address are quality, food safety, the development of value added products and defending local production in the face of global trade. 

 As a leading producer in Africa, and with strong support from the local government, Morocco became the obvious to host CADA, and its first president elect is the current president of the Moroccan industry association the Fédération Interprofessionnelle du Secteur Avicole (FISA).

Smaller poultry producing nation have not been ignored and, for example, the Rwanda Poultry Industry Association (RPIA) has been appointed to the executive committee. 

While only 17 African countries participated in this first meeting, the association hopes to extend its membership to all 54 African countries.



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