Mary Wu named Australian Chicken Meat Federation CEO

The Australian Chicken Meat Federation (ACMF) welcomes Dr. Mary Wu as its new CEO.

Dr. Mary Wu (Australian Chicken Meat Federation)
Dr. Mary Wu (Australian Chicken Meat Federation)

The Australian Chicken Meat Federation (ACMF) welcomed Dr. Mary Wu as its new CEO. 

Wu comes to the chicken meat industry from the Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC), where she was general manager of processing and export.

Wu, a registered veterinarian, brings significant protein industry experience to the federation, having worked in senior management roles in the red meat industry. While at AMIC, Wu was responsible for managing and driving a diverse portfolio advocating for the ongoing sustainability and prosperity of the livestock industry supply chain. Previously, Wu held senior roles within the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture particularly in trade and market access. 

Outgoing executive director, Dr. Vivien Kite, said: “We are excited to bring Mary into the world of chicken meat. She has highly relevant experience representing the red meat industry on a range of issues which are common to the chicken industry, including access to a sustainable workforce, animal health and biosecurity, animal welfare, food safety and sustainability. Mary is held in high regard by our colleagues in the red meat industry and comes to us with pre-existing, strong relationships and networks within government at both state and commonwealth levels.”

Kite will continue in her role as executive director of the Australian Poultry Industries Association (APIA) until her retirement at the end of May 2023, allowing for a significant handover period to Wu.

“This is an important milestone for the chicken meat industry as it works to manage the challenges and opportunities that are currently facing agricultural industries. I am confident in Mary’s ability to continue to drive the industry forward as it keeps successfully delivering Australia’s favorite meat to dinner tables across the country. On behalf of our industry, I welcome Mary to this role and look forward to working with her over the coming six months,” said Kite.

About the Australian Chicken Meat Federation

ACMF is the national, peak organization for those involved in the chicken meat industry in Australia, including chicken farmers and chicken meat processors.

Its main aim is to represent the interests of the industry in a wide range of matters including animal health, biosecurity, food standards, food safety, international trade, quarantine, and animal welfare.

One of the ACMF’s most important roles is to also provide information to the public about the Australian chicken meat industry, how it operates and about its products. This includes the importance of healthy eating and the role chicken meat can play as a key nutritional element of today’s modern diet and as an integral part of a healthy and sustainable diet for the future.

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