Virtual conference covers poultry housing, health management

Poultry producers, farm owners, avian health professionals and other poultry professionals will learn practical and relevant information about poultry housing and health management at the 2021 Poultry Health Management School.

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Poultry producers, farm owners, avian health professionals and other poultry professionals will learn practical and relevant information about poultry housing and health management at the 2021 Poultry Health Management School.

The virtual event – which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year – is scheduled for May 24-25, 2021.

The agenda includes sessions tailored to the poultry industry, providing information on current industry practices and trends as well as exposure to necropsy skills. Additional sessions will walk students through applicable case studies related to poultry nutrition, housing, management, diseases and other pertinent topics.

“I’m excited about our case studies,” said Teresa Morishita, President of the Board and one of the founding team members for the Poultry Health Management School.

During the case studies, attendees will collaborate to develop best practices for nutrition and management factors for a range of broiler, turkey and layer diseases.

“A lot of the issues that are happening are multifactorial,” Morishita explained, noting that several factors typically play a role in the development and management of poultry diseases.

Benefits of virtual

Attendance at the Poultry Health Management School has traditionally been limited to 70 students. The virtual format in 2021 opens the event to anyone who would like to participate.

“Since we're working in a virtual environment, we hope to reach out to people that can’t typically travel and expand our further reach,” Morishita said.

“When you meet with people from all over you realize that other individuals may have similar problems as you. What we always like with the school is that groups can get together and to talk about their issues and to help solve it because we're all supposed to be working together, not working in a silo.”

How to register

Registration for the virtual event costs $300 and includes a complimentary copy of the Avian Disease Manual, an instruction guide and the educational tools necessary to participate in the interactive experience.

Interested attendees can register for the Poultry Health Management School at

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