Abstracts being accepted for Poultry Science Association annual meeting

Abstract submissions for the Virtual 2021 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting are now being accepted.

Abstract submissions for the Virtual 2021 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting are now being accepted.

As previously announced, the 2021 meeting will be held in a virtual setting on July 19-22, 2021. The official announcement of a virtual meeting can be found online.

The abstract submission deadline is at 11:59 p.m. ET, on April 7, 2021.

Complete instructions and abstract guidelines are available online through the Abstract Submission Site. It is important that all submitting authors read the guidelines before submitting an abstract.

2021 Student Competition

Students entering their abstract into the Virtual Student Competition will enter their abstract into a regular section and mark that they wish to be in the competition. There are no special Student Competition sections available in the submission system. While students are welcome to submit multiple abstracts, only one abstract may be entered in the competition.

The 2021 PSA Annual Meeting page will be updated frequently with the latest meeting information and serves as a resource for information regarding abstract submission.

The submission of abstracts is the starting point for the success of the meeting. If you have any questions, contact Jon Cole, director of business operations, at [email protected] or +1.217.356.5285.

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