Avícola Triple A farm certified in animal welfare

With the Certified Humane label, Teucali farm poultry houses were endorsed as meeting international standards in animal welfare.

(Humane Farm Animal Care)
(Humane Farm Animal Care)

With the Certified Humane label, Teucali farm poultry houses were endorsed as meeting international standards in animal welfare.

This facility belongs to Avícola Triple A poultry company, one of the three largest table egg producers in Colombia and part to the agri-industrial holding Grupo Bios.

The news was confirmed by the company and the certification body -- the Certified Humane Institute -- which operates from Brazil for Latin America, promoting the animal welfare program of the American NGO Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC). According to the joint communication, the Certified Humane label recognizes good practices in animal welfare, since 16 years ago. To date, 203 agrifood industries in 15 countries have certified their processes in the production of different farm animals (hens, chickens, swine, cows, goats, sheep, turkeys, etc.).

Avícola Triple A is the first Colombian company to obtain such a label.

The Teucali farm and its certified poultry houses are then one of the more than 6,000 farms that HFCA assures have obtained the Certified Humane label.

They claim that this certification has endorsed the production of 1,031 million animals since 2003; in 2018 alone, it was 196 million animals.

With the seal achieved by Avícola Triple A, Colombia joins the United States, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Jordan, Uruguay, Singapore, Malaysia and the Chinese city of Hong Kong to the list of countries or territories that have agri-industries certified under this methodology.

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