MHP poultry sales volume up 13% during FY 2019

Ukrainian poultry company Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) increased its sales volume by 13% during 2019, the company reported.

(Asif Akbar,
(Asif Akbar,

Ukrainian poultry company Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) increased its sales volume by 13% during 2019, the company reported.

In the MHP trading update for the year ending December 31, 2019, MHP reported that its total poultry sales volume reached 669,964 metric tons for the full year of 2019, which was a 13% rise when compared to the sales volume of 593,527 metric tons in 2018.

In its update, MHP described that increase as “consistent with the company’s strategy of growing exports of poultry.”

However, MHP stated its export sales volume of 357,433 metric tons for the year, which was a 25% increase when compared to the 2018 figures, was actually about 5% lower than what had been earlier forecast. That situation is attributed to a decision on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ban shipments from the Ukraine.

The loss of the Saudi market was partially offset by strong sales in the European Union, Middle East Northern Africa (MENA), Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and African markets, MHP said in its trading update.

Additional capacity

The increased sales volume was helped by additional production sites as part of Phase 2 of the Vinnytsia Poultry Complex, which brought the total number of rearing sites to six. MHP stated that its other production facilities continued to operate at full capacity during 2019.

Poultry prices

While MHP increased its sales volumes in 2019, the average price per kilogram declined by about 5% to during the year, and a decrease of 14% during the fourth quarter of 2019.

MHP, according to the WATTAgNet Top Poultry Companies Database, is the largest poultry company in the Ukraine, holding about a 50% share of the market. Earlier in 2019, MHP finalized the acquisition of a more than 90% stake in Perutnina Ptuj, the largest poultry company in Slovenia.

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