Gen Z moms will dig deeper for information on chicken

There is a new set of consumers that people who market chicken products must now reach: Generation Z.

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Poultry marketers are being challenged with marketing to a whole new set of Gen Z consumers. (alenkasm |
Poultry marketers are being challenged with marketing to a whole new set of Gen Z consumers. (alenkasm |

There is a new set of consumers that people who market chicken products must now reach: Generation Z.

That generation was born between 1995 and 2015, and the oldest members of that generation are now becoming parents. Maria Bailey, CEO of BSM Media, speaking at the 2019 Chicken Marketing Summit, held July 21-23 in Charleston, South Carolina, said Generation Z, or Gen Z, mothers will be like no other set of consumers poultry marketers have ever encountered.


Maria Bailey, BSM Media | Photo by Austin Alonzo

Not Millennial moms on steroids

Bailey said marketing professionals in any industry have long struggled to figure out the millennial mom. Now that Gen Z women are of child-bearing age, there is a completely new segment. Many may think of Gen Z moms as “millennial moms on steroids,” but that perception is far from reality.

Members of Generation Z are more frugal, because more of them were raised by single parents than those from any other generation, and they have a more realistic sense of budgeting and finance. Their attitudes are also different in the sense that they like to be socially involved in causes and like to collaborate with brands.

In the U.S., Gen Z is the most diverse generation in history, which Bailey says is good news for chicken marketers.

“There’s all these opportunities for new, exotic foods that can be made with chicken,” she said.

New marketing techniques needed

The Gen Z mother is “not impressed with old marketing techniques,” she said.

They are also more curious, which means brands will need to create more content.

“She’s going to dig deeper,” Bailey said. “If you educate her on the value of chicken, and the things you can do with chicken, she’s open to learning.”

Bailey recommends empowering the Gen Z mother to use chicken products her way. Put more recipes online. How-to cooking videos on YouTube are another technique to consider.

“If I was a chicken or meat company … I would go and create a video for YouTube on the best way to cut a chicken breast into kids’ nuggets,” she said.

 “Create the content that you do either in store or online to empower them and teach them about using the product.”

She also recommends using podcasts, calling them “the next marketing too that you will hear about.”

However, she advises against the trend of hiring online influencers. She believes the “influencer bubble will burst,” and the influencers Gen Z moms followed when they were youths don’t fit their current lifestyle as mothers.

Speak their language

In order to reach Gen Z mothers, companies will need to “up their Insta-worthy game.”

“Whether it’s packaging or positioning on the shelf, you’re going to have to realize these moms are all about logos and like to Instagram everywhere they go,” Bailey said.

“They speak in emojis. They speak in expressions, rather than words, and that may impact the packaging you may want to create in the future, because that’s the way she communicates.”

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