Survey: Consumers want to see humane certification on chicken packages

In a recent American Humane survey, 77 percent of respondents said it’s important to see a third-party certification label on the packages of chicken they purchase to help ensure it was humanely treated. Over half said they would pay more for chicken that has been certified as humane.

In a recent American Humane survey, 77 percent of respondents said it’s important to see a third-party certification label on the packages of chicken they purchase to help ensure it was humanely treated. Over half said they would pay more for chicken that has been certified as humane.

As growing numbers of consumers are demanding that their foods be raised in line with their ethical values, farmers, ranchers and producers are listening, and working to increase their standards of humane animal welfare.

“It’s important to think critically about the food that we cook for ourselves, our families and our friends. That means considering the standards of welfare for farm animals,” said American Humane President and CEO Robin Ganzert, Ph.D. “The voice of animal welfare needs to be objective, informed by science and independent.”

Consumers want to support humane farmers, and they are looking for third-party certification that verifies producers are meeting rigorous, science-based standards.

Eighty-two percent of all females surveyed and 83 percent of all millennials agreed about the importance of a third-party humane certification label. Over 60 percent of millennials would pay more for chicken that has been humane certified.

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