Wallace State Community College gets USPOULTRY student recruiting grant

The USPOULTRY Foundation awarded a $5,000 student recruiting grant to the Agricultural Production Program at Wallace State Community College.

The USPOULTRY Foundation awarded a $5,000 student recruiting grant to the Agricultural Production Program at Wallace State Community College. The grant was made possible in part by an endowing Foundation gift from Peco Foods.

The funds will be utilized to make Wallace State students aware of the ‘2+2’ poultry science partnership with the college and Auburn University. The ‘2+2’ partnership with Auburn University’s Poultry Science program allows students to complete their freshman and sophomore years at Wallace State, then transfer to Auburn University for their junior and senior years, culminating with a bachelor’s degree in poultry science. The poultry science courses at Wallace State are administered under the Agricultural Production/Horticulture program.

The USPOULTRY Foundation awarded recruiting grants totaling $328,300 for the 2018-19 school year to 34 colleges and universities across the United States with either a poultry science department or a poultry studies program. The student recruiting program dates to 1994 when the USPOULTRY board of directors established the Foundation to provide annual recruiting funds to attract students to poultry studies and ultimately into careers in the poultry industry.

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