Top Egg Company profiles make top material

Egg Top Company profiles provide insight to industry professionals.

(Bjarte Kvinge Tvedt |
(Bjarte Kvinge Tvedt |

I recently attended the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was interesting to me that on numerous occasions during the event I was sought out just to discuss the February issue of Egg Industry. No, I didn’t write some controversial piece or find a source that gave the cure-all to challenges impacting the poultry industry; I simply wrote the top 20 egg company profiles.

When I say simply, I really don’t mean simply. My colleagues and I spend hours upon hours diligently working on each one of the Top Company issues. Last year the Egg Top Company profiles were some of the most popular pages on the WATTAgNet website, which was exciting for me of course.

One reader told me that he pulled up the Top Egg Company profiles every work day last year. I’ll leave his name out of this, but I guess I should thank him for the approximately 260 views.

One could argue that the readership numbers on this specific article confirm the desire for each company to understand what the other is doing or how they may be able to use their services to work with a specific company.

The survey WATT sends to producers to compile our numbers and get a better understanding of their predictions for the coming year lends itself to some interesting insights. For example, as part of our 2019 egg survey, U.S. egg producers were asked what percentage of their customers have pledged to purchase only cage-free eggs or egg products by some future date. Twenty-seven egg producers responded to this question, and according to their answers, 54 percent of their customers have made future cage-free egg or egg product purchase pledges. 

Looking back

I have even learned a lot about various companies and their history going back through our Top Company reports. For instance:

  • In 1988, Cargill was listed as the No. 1 company with 12 million layers and Cal-Maine was ranked fourth with 6.5 million layers. After the acquisition of Cargill’s entire layer flock in 1989, Cal-Maine Foods of Jackson, Mississippi, was listed as the No. 1 producer with 15 million layers.
  • Rose Acre Farms substantial growth in 1998 was a result of an acquisition of National Eff Products of Social Circle, Georgia.

Learn more

For an opportunity to learn more about our Top Egg Company profiles, predictions, statistics, and history, register for our very first WATTAgNet Top Egg Company Webinar on Thursday, March 28, 2019. 

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