Pilgrim's fulfills USPOULTRY Foundation pledge

The USPOULTRY Foundation recently received a $100,000 check from Pilgrim’s. The check is the final contribution of Pilgrim’s commitment to the USPOULTRY Foundation’s Ensuring the Future campaign to enhance the stability and prosperity of the poultry and egg industries.

Jayson Penn, president of Pilgrim’s USA, presents a ceremonial check to Jerry Moye, Hendrix Genetics, and current USPOULTRY Foundation chairman. | Photo courtesy of USPOULTRY
Jayson Penn, president of Pilgrim’s USA, presents a ceremonial check to Jerry Moye, Hendrix Genetics, and current USPOULTRY Foundation chairman. | Photo courtesy of USPOULTRY

The USPOULTRY Foundation recently received a $100,000 check from Pilgrim’s Pride.

The check is the final contribution of Pilgrim’s commitment to the USPOULTRY Foundation’s Ensuring the Future campaign to enhance the stability and prosperity of the poultry and egg industries.

In 2015, the USPOULTRY Foundation announced that $10.4 million in commitments has been pledged for the campaign from a multitude of companies, individuals and families. Pilgrim’s donation is part of the campaign’s “Pacesetter” category, representing contributions between $500,000 and $999,999. Jayson Penn, president of Pilgrim’s USA, presented the check to Jerry Moye, Hendrix Genetics, and current USPOULTRY Foundation chairman.

“The U.S. poultry industry has provided countless opportunities for growth and success to so many Pilgrim’s team members and their families,” said Penn. “We are humbled to stand alongside the USPOULTRY Foundation in their efforts to foster the next generation of leaders and ensure the future prosperity of our industry.”

“We are honored to receive this $100,000 gift and appreciate Pilgrim’s commitment to the Ensuring the Future campaign. The contribution will continue to expand vital research and youth programs that help attract students to poultry and related majors and ultimately into careers in the poultry and egg industry,” said Moye.

The USPOULTRY Foundation serves all segments of the poultry and egg industry, investing millions of dollars for recruiting students and funding research.

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