Kentucky Poultry Federation names new president

The Kentucky Poultry Federation's newly-elected president Dan Flanagan was recognized at the organization's annual meeting.

Alffoto, Dreamstime
Alffoto, Dreamstime

Dan Flanagan was recently elected the president of the Kentucky Poultry Federation (KPF).

Glasgow Daily Times reported that Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles delivered the keynote address at the 20th Annual Kentucky Poultry Federation (KPF) recent meeting in Lexington. While there, he recogzined Flanagan.

Flanagan, a Taylor County farmer,  has served on the KPF board in years past representing growers, and Keystone Foods.

According to the WATTAgNet Top Poultry Companies Database, Keystone Foods is a global food services company. It supplies retailers and food service providers with poultry, beef, pork and fish products. Keystone operates 25 manufacturing facilities in six countries across North America, the Asia Pacific region, the Middle East and Africa. The company processes nearly 2 billion pounds of poultry, 300 million pounds of beef, more than 32 million pounds of fish and 12 million pounds of pork annually.

The Glasgow Daily Times report said that, “Flanagan, a first-generation farmer, purchased the beginnings of his farm at the age of 18. He explained it was through God’s help, grace, hard work and support from his wife Ginny and two sons, Will and Matt, he was able to grow his operation to 850 acres of small grains and wholesale and retail vegetable crops, along with six broiler houses contracted through Keystone Foods.”

Flanagan recived his college education at Campbellsville University in English and history and earned his Master of Divinity in Pastoral Psychology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as well as his Master of Social Work Administration and Counseling from University of Louisville.

Flanagan has served on multiple committees including past chief of staff Kentucky Department of Agriculture, past vice-chair of Farm Credit Mid-America Board, past chair of Kentucky Agriculture Council, past officer of Kentucky Soybean Board and many others.

Quarles praises Kentucky poultry industry

Quarles was very complementary of Kentucky’s poultry industry. He explained that poultry is Kentucky’s No. 1 agriculture commodity and it has a positive impact on other commodities and the states economy. According to the KPF, Kentucky is ranked seventh in the nation in terms of broiler production with 308 million boilers. The state also produced 1.2 billion eggs were in 2014.

The state has over 850 large scale poultry farms, 3,000 poultry houses in 45 counties and still growing in all sectors of the industry. The broiler-breeder industry in Kentucky employees approximately 6,300 people across the state and generate an additional 20,444 jobs in both the supply and ancillary industries, according to KPF.

About KPF

According to the KPF website, The federation was organized in 1957 as a civic and educational non-profit corporation. The federation exists for the purpose of fostering, promoting and encouraging the improvement of production and marketing of all types of poultry, poultry products, eggs and egg products in Kentucky. The Kentucky Egg Council coordinates all promotional activities of eggs and egg products. The Federation acts as the industry liaison with the University of Kentucky, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, the Kentucky State Legislature, the American Egg Board, the National Chicken Council, and the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.

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