8 quotes from the Animal Rights National Conference

Extremists in attendance at the Animal Rights National Conference made their viewpoints clear that they want to bring an end to animal agriculture, and that there are few avenues they won’t take in order to achieve that goal.

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Justin Van Kleek of Triangle Chicken Advocates was one person who spoke out at the recent Animal Rights National Conference in Los Angeles. | vladvm, Bigstock
Justin Van Kleek of Triangle Chicken Advocates was one person who spoke out at the recent Animal Rights National Conference in Los Angeles. | vladvm, Bigstock

Extremists in attendance at the Animal Rights National Conference made their viewpoints clear that they want to bring an end to animal agriculture, and that there are few avenues they won’t take in order to achieve that goal.

The conference, hosted by Farm Animal Rights Movement, was held June 28-July 1 in Los Angeles.

The Animal Agriculture Alliance sent two representatives to the conference, and recently issued a press release regarding what was observed at the conference. While the Alliance’s mission is in stark contrast to those of other groups represented at the conference, the Alliance stated in its press release that it considers it important for everyone in animal agriculture to stay informed about how animal rights extremists plan to target the industry next,

Here are eight quotes heard at the conference, according to the Alliance:

  1. “If we can rescue animals, we must rescue them … until every crate is empty and every tank is drained. Our movement must adopt all avenues, the methodical and radical.” – Simone Reyes, Social Compassion in Legislation
  2. “Animal rights is different from animal welfare. It’s not about better cages; it’s about empty cages.” Anita Krajnc, The Save Movement
  3. “We as a movement need to push the boundaries of the law.” – Jay Shooster, attorney
  4. “You cannot humanely kill something that doesn’t want to die.” Justin Van Kleek, Triangle Chicken Advocates
  5. “All farms are factory farms, no matter the size.”—Hope Bonahec, United Poultry Concerns
  6. “We don’t allow (layer hens and dairy cattle) to do the thing they do so well, and that is be a mother.” – Susie Coston, Farm Sanctuary
  7. “I do believe all farming and slaughterhouses are cruel.” – Jaya Bhumitra, Animal Equality
  8. “Using any means necessary [to defend animals] is morally and ethically responsible.” – Dr. Jerry Visak, North American Animal Liberation Press Office
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