USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories reorganizes

The U.S. Department of USDA's National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL), which is part of Veterinary Services' (VS) Science, Technology, and Analysis Services business unit, recently underwent a reorganization of three of its current laboratory units in Ames, Iowa

trans961, Bigstock
trans961, Bigstock

The U.S. Department of USDA's National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL), which is part of Veterinary Services' (VS) Science, Technology, and Analysis Services business unit, recently underwent a reorganization of three of its current laboratory units in Ames, Iowa — Diagnostic Bacteriology Laboratory, Pathobiology Laboratory, and Diagnostic Virology Laboratory. 

In 2015 NVSL began to look at how it was organized and where efficiencies could be gained to meet future internal needs and the needs of NVSL's stakeholders. The structure of every NVSL-Ames unit was reviewed, specifically looking for opportunities to place similar functions in the same laboratories, while also creating a more even distribution of work and personnel across the laboratory units. The reorganization places existing laboratory sections into two new laboratories:  the Diagnostic Bacteriology and Pathology Laboratory and the Diagnostic Bioanalytical and Reagent Laboratory (DBRL). The Diagnostic Virology Laboratory retains three testing sections with a reagents unit moving to the DBRL. 

Dr. Suelee Robbe-Austerman, formerly the Mycobacteria-Brucella Section Head, has been selected for the director of the new Diagnostic Bacteriology and Pathology Laboratory, and Dr. Gleeson Murphy, formerly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has been selected as the director for the new Diagnostic Bioanalytical and Reagent Laboratory. Dr. Sabrina Swenson will remain as director of the Diagnostic Virology Laboratory. 

Some phone numbers have changed with the reorganization.; the new organizational structure and corresponding contact numbers may be found on the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) website.

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