Poultry industry needs to reach out to ‘prosumers’

In order to achieve success, it is important for poultry companies to understand the wants and needs of consumers. However, there is one type of consumer that perhaps the poultry industry could do a better job of reaching, said Paulo Rigolin, Alltech global poultry director.

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Paulo Rigolin | Alltech
Paulo Rigolin | Alltech

In order to achieve success, it is important for poultry companies to understand the wants and needs of consumers. However, there is one type of consumer that perhaps the poultry industry could do a better job of reaching, said Paulo Rigolin, Alltech global poultry director.

Rigolin was talking about prosumers, consumers who become advocates for the products they eat and/or use.

“We try to understand consumers, but we are not talking to the prosumers. The prosumers are the guys who are proud of what they eat. If they eat one brand, they talk. They go on the social media and they communicate how good that is, how good it is for their health,” Rigolin said on May 24 during ONE 17, the Alltech Ideas Conference.

For many prosumers, it isn’t out of the ordinary to spend $7 for a dozen eggs if they believe those eggs are superior to others that could be commonly found at the grocery store. They are also the type of consumers who shop at places like Whole Foods and farmers’ markets more, rather than at a Kroger or Walmart store.

Embrace instead of dismiss

Rigolin suggests that people not be dismissive of prosumers.

“We can call them hipsters, we can call them crazy, but they are willing to spend 20 percent of their monthly income on food,” Rigolin said.

He also believes that the prosumer movement is more than a fad, and may be a long-lasting trend.

Rigolin says the poultry industry needs to make more of an effort to understand this type of consumer, and turn them into consumers and advocates of their products.

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