BRF names new independent auditor

BRF, a Brazil-based meat and poultry company, has hired KPMG Auditores Independentes to provide independent auditing services for the financial statements of the company.

AndreyPopov, Bigstock
AndreyPopov, Bigstock

BRF, a Brazil-based meat and poultry company, has hired KPMG Auditores Independentes to provide independent auditing services for the financial statements of the company.

The decision was recently approved by the BRF Board of Directors.

According to an announcement to the market from BRF, KPMG Auditores Independentes will replace Ernst & Young, which audited BRF’s financial statements for the 2016 fiscal year, which ended on December 31.

The decision was made in accordance with a rule that requires the rotation of independent auditors every five years. Ernst & Young has consented to the change.

BRF is ranked among the top five companies in the world both as a chicken processor and as a pig producer.

BRF was also recently listed as one of the highest rated poultry and pig processing companies globally in terms of animal care. The Business Benchmark on Animal Welfare (BBFAW) report, released earlier in 2017, identified BRF as a company which had animal welfare programs integral to its business strategy. 

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