AEB supports White House Easter Egg Roll

On April 17, the American Egg Board (AEB) kicked off support of the 139th White House Easter Egg Roll by presenting First Lady Melania Trump with the 40th annual Commemorative Egg. The AEB Chairman Jeff Hardin and President/CEO Anne L. Alonzo made the presentation on behalf of America’s egg farmers.

On April 17, the American Egg Board (AEB) kicked off support of the 139th White House Easter Egg Roll by presenting First Lady Melania Trump with the 40th annual Commemorative Egg. The AEB Chairman Jeff Hardin and President/CEO Anne L. Alonzo made the presentation on behalf of America’s egg farmers. A presentation has been made to every Administration since the tradition started with the Carters.

"I am deeply honored to present the Commemorative Egg, on behalf of America's egg farmers," said Hardin. "We are delighted to take part in the White House Easter Egg Roll by educating people about where eggs come from and providing EggPops, a portable, nutritious hard-boiled egg on a stick, to everyone on the South Lawn."

In addition to the Commemorative Egg, the American Egg Board donated more than 30,000 real hard-boiled eggs for egg rolling, the egg hunt, egg decorating and egg snacking. The AEB also brought the egg production process to life to the parents and children attending through AEB’s whimsical “An Egg’s Journey from Farm to Table Eggsperience.”

The Eggsperience featured interactions with the Hollywood Hens, realistic imitation hens; photo cutouts that showcased the hen house, processing and delivery; and a play kitchen where children got hands-on experience moving eggs from the fridge, to the stove, to their breakfast, lunch and dinner plates. A new “Step & Repeat” created additional photo opportunities on the South Lawn. Eggy, the popular Incredible Egg Character, took pictures with kids and adults.

Key information about eggs was placed throughout the expanded exhibit space and throughout the South Lawn. Attendees had the opportunity to ask their questions to egg experts, including many egg farmers in attendance.

For the first time, EggPop sampling took place on the South Lawn. All volunteers also wore the hats and aprons featuring both the official White House Easter Egg Roll logo and Incredible Logo, which are donated by America’s egg farmers annually.

40th Commemmorative Egg

The 40th Commemorative Egg | Photo courtesy of the American Egg Board

This year’s Commemorative Egg is an extra-large egg that artist Linda Gaus Asbell of Denton, Texas, carved, painted and then decorated with red, white, blue and gold Swarovski crystal. Chairman Hardin was thrilled to present the First Family such a lovely piece of artwork, especially as the artist is from his home state.

“This entire event highlights the role eggs play in our country’s time-honored traditions. And, America’s egg farmers are happy to support this incredible event,” adds Chairman Hardin.

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