US poultry industry weighs in on Trump presidency

As President Donald J. Trump completed his first month in office, Poultry Confidence Index survey respondents provided their views on him and his new administration.

(Yurii Bukhanovskyi | Bigstock)
(Yurii Bukhanovskyi | Bigstock)

As President Donald J. Trump completed his first month in office, Poultry Confidence Index survey respondents provided their views on him and his new administration.

Not surprisingly, U.S. poultry industry opinions reported in the media have been mixed so far. Opinions were varied in the report, "Trump hot topic among feed folks at IPPE," as attendees at the 2017 International Production and Processing Expo focused on the regulatory climate and trade provisions.

To better assess industry feelings about President Trump, Poultry Confidence Index respondents were asked for their views. In general, their perceptions were quite positive.

Poultry respondents positive on Trump

Nearly three in four respondents said that President Trump would benefit the general U.S. economy due to a business-friendly atmosphere, deregulation and tax reductions. Following are specifics from two survey respondents:

  • “His platform is to relieve the choking regulations on businesses and to increase jobs in our country. These are both good things for our economy.”
  • “I think that having a business leader instead of a politician in office will bring a mindset of profitability instead of entitlement.


A majority said that President Trump would benefit the general U.S. economy due to a business-friendly atmosphere, deregulation and tax reductions.

Ag Secretary pick gets good poultry reviews

The appointment of Sonny Perdue as agriculture secretary has garnered praised from many pundits who feel his early years on a farm, formal training as a veterinarian, time in agri-management and administrative experience as a governor of the top U.S. poultry state will benefit agribusiness.

Three-quarters of our sample said Mr. Perdue would have a positive impact on U.S. poultry markets. Less than a handful disagreed.

He was overwhelmingly viewed as someone who “understands agriculture,” especially poultry. As one respondent put it, “He’s from the right state with the right background.” The neutral or negative minority were mostly uniformed about him and his positions.

Positive perceptions about President Trump’s pick for the secretary of agriculture contributed to the recent surge in poultry confidence.


Three-quarters of respondents said Mr. Perdue would have a positive impact on U.S. poultry markets.

Immigration policies worry poultry industry

Perceptions about two of President Trump’s specific actions since he’s been in office, however, were less optimistic.

First, about half of the respondents were neutral when asked about the benefits of President Trump’s executive order to limit immigration, with 34 percent saying it would hurt the U.S. poultry industry.

Those with neutral views on the question focused on the specific countries targeted by President Trump’s executive order saying the industry employs few from these geographies. They also emphasized the employment of only legal workers, not illegal immigrants or undocumented workers.

A loss of labor, especially unskilled workers, was thought by others to have a more hurtful impact. Some of these individuals included all of agriculture in their assessment, rather than just poultry, while others thought restrictions could “drive up labor costs.”


About half of the respondents were neutral when asked about the benefits of President Trump’s executive order to limit immigration, with 34 percent saying it would hurt the U.S. poultry industry.

Poultry industry split over Trump’s trade positions

When asked about the impact of plans to exit or renegotiate trade agreements on the U.S. poultry industry, over one-third said they didn’t know, with the remaining evenly spread across the beneficial-hurtful continuum. 

Those on the positive side cited “negotiations that were not in the best interest of the U.S.” as well as “noncompliance by trading partners.” Those on the negative side thought any slowdown in exports or possible trade retaliations would have harmful effects.


PCI respondents were spilt in their opinions about the likely impact of Trump’s trade policies.

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