USPOULTRY Foundation awards $4,600 recruiting grant

A $4,600 student recruiting grant has been awarded to George Wallace Community College from the USPOULTRY Foundation. The grant will be used to recruit students interested in the poultry industry.

A $4,600 student recruiting grant has been awarded to George Wallace Community College from the USPOULTRY Foundation. The grant will be used to recruit students interested in the poultry industry. The grant was made possible by an endowing Foundation gift from Peco Foods.

The poultry industry is a major employer in the college’s geographic region and Wallace Community College has partnered with Auburn University to offer a 2+2 program. This program allows students to take two years of courses at Wallace Community College and also take some only basic poultry courses remotely at Auburn, allowing students to be ready to transfer as a junior to Auburn’s Poultry Science degree program.

“Students are now able to complete the Associate in Science, Agriculture-Poultry Science here at Wallace and easily transfer to Auburn University. The funds will enhance the program through assistance in recruiting and enrolling students to study the growing poultry industry. Many thanks to the USPOULTRY Foundation for their support,” explained Julie Fischer, the Natural Science Division director at George Wallace Community College.

In 2016, the USPOULTRY Foundation board approved student recruiting grants totaling $291,000 to 32 colleges and universities across the United States with a poultry science department or industry related degree program. The Harold E. Ford Foundation provides annual recruiting funds to colleges and universities to attract students to their poultry programs. The grants are made possible by gifts to the foundation from companies, individuals and families, in addition to funds earned over the years at the International Poultry Expo, part of the International Production & Processing Expo.

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