Ukraine company chooses EMKA Incubators

Ukraine’s Mironovsky Hliboprodukt, the largest poultry integrator in the country, has decided to go with EMKA Incubators for its latest project.

Ukraine’s Mironovsky Hliboprodukt, the largest poultry integrator in the country, has decided to go with EMKA Incubators for its latest project. The first stage will be delivered by mid-2017.

The main reason the poultry integrator decided on EMKA equipment is because of its unique cooling system “Teggnologic27.” The system achieves superior uniform chick quality through a “Dry Hatch” and the “DECS” cooling and spraying system.

Dry Hatch improves the drying time of the newly hatched chicks, resulting in faster closed navels and a healthier start to life. Running the cooling water at a temperature of 27°C is above the dew point, which means no condensation in the incubator. No condensation drives perfect humidity, temperature and ventilation control and reduces any possibility of mold, bacteria or fungal development.

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