Q Laboratories joins elite group

Q Laboratories, Inc., has been named an AFNOR Certified Expert Laboratory, qualifying the company to perform validation studies on instruments, test kits and materials for the food microbiology testing industry in France.

Q Laboratories, Inc., in Cincinnati has been named an AFNOR Certified Expert Laboratory, qualifying the company to perform validation studies on instruments, test kits and materials for the food microbiology testing industry in France.

Representatives of Q Laboratories were in Paris the week of Jan. 22 to present before the Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) Technical Board.

Based on the results of this presentation, they were granted Expert Lab status. By acquiring AFNOR Expert Laboratory NF 102 Validation status, Q Laboratories is one of only two labs in the world, and the only lab in the Western Hemisphere, certified by all three major certification bodies--AOAC, MicroVAL and AFNOR--to perform these critical independent laboratory studies.

AFNOR is the French national organization for standardization and its International Organization for Standardization member body.

MicroVal is a European certification organization for the validation and approval of alternative methods for the microbiological analysis of foods, animal feeding stuffs, beverages and food environmental samples (water, sponges, swabs, etc.). MicroVal validates and certifies alternative methods to show that they perform as well as internationally standardized methods. 

AOAC International is a globally recognized, independent, third-party association and voluntary consensus standards developing organization. AOAC develops analytical methods for a broad spectrum of safety interests including foods, beverages and dietary supplements. AOAC’s primary activity is the development of globally accepted standards.

Q Laboratories, Inc., is an independent, ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited, cGMP/GLP compliant, FDA Registered laboratory, providing microbiology and analytical chemistry laboratory services to companies around the world. Q Laboratories can perform analyses on food and beverages, flavorings, raw materials, pet food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, OTCs, dietary supplements and health and beauty care products.

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