Cobb Turkey helps producers prepare for winter

Preparing for winter was the theme of two recent Cobb Turkey seminars

Preparing for winter was the theme of two recent Cobb Turkey seminars held for contract producers of its customers—Banvit and Gedik Piliç.

The first seminar was presented for Banvit, one of the leading companies in the poultry sector in Turkey. Banvit was established in 1968 and produces beef as well as a range of poultry products.

Presenters and topics included Erol Çan, country manager for Cobb in Turkey, who spoke on “The world of Cobb"; production manager Zekeriya Yıldırım on the production period and male management; and technical service manager Mert Yalçınalp on the rearing period, winter period and floor egg management.

General coordinator of Banvit Erdal Elmas said, “We always appreciate the technical support provided by Cobb Turkey for our company, and I hope this close association will continue for many more years. I believe that holding these events more often will help keep the knowledge level of our producers as high as possible.”

The second seminar was for Gedik Piliç, broiler producers in Usak's Eşme district. The company was established in the same district as Banvit in 1968 and has increased processing capacity to reach 250,000 birds per week.

Biosecurity was another topic discussed. Gedik Piliç production manager Kadir Mercan contributed his expertise, answering producers’ questions on the popular subjects. 

The Cobb Turkey fully automated hatchery, which began operating in Bandirma in March 2013, was expanded earlier this year to achieve an annual capacity of five million female parent stock. The hatchery, in which Cobb has invested $4 million over the last three years, supplies the wider Middle East region as well as Turkey. The latest expansion increased the size of the hatchery premises by nearly 500 square meters to accommodate the new hatchers, a new technical room and a second chick holding room.

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