Perdue's Dillon facility achieves safety milestone

Associates at Perdue’s Dillon operation have achieved a safety milestone on after working 8M production hours without an OSHA recordable lost-time case

Associates at Perdue’s Dillon operation in Salisbury, Md., achieved a safety milestone on Oct. 16 after working a record eight million production hours without experiencing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost-time case. Counting toward the record began in November 2012.

To celebrate, the operation is recognizing Perdue associates with a milestone sweatshirt and a meal.

“This is a significant achievement for the Dillon operations and for our associates who made it happen,” said Randy Brown, Dillon’s director of operations. “This accomplishment sets a record for our operation, and everyone should take pride in it. It is a result of everyone working together at the Dillon operation, our management team, hourly safety teams, along with each individual associate.”

Perdue has a standard, companywide safety program that encourages active associate participation and input. Associates take part in safety committees, which meet regularly to discuss safety issues and perform safety inspections before the start of each shift. Employees have the authority to stop production or prevent start-up if any unsafe condition exists.

In addition, every associate receives regular safety awareness training and is encouraged to look for and report any potential hazard.

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