Aviagen supports CP Group Poultry Production Course

The fourth annual CP Group Poultry Production Course was held recently in Thailand. Aviagen assisted by conducting four days of training during the two and a half-week event.

The fourth annual CP Group Poultry Production Course was held recently in Thailand. Aviagen assisted by conducting four days of training during the two and a half-week event. The course was attended by 37 participants from CP operations in Bangladesh, the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, India, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand.

On the first day, Aviagen addressed grandparent and parent stock management for male selection and the growing and laying phases of production. Day two focused on the breeder lighting program, management for leg health, nest management, use of the practical hatchery how-to publications and an interactive training on chick start and brooding. The third day was dedicated to broilers, with a review of lighting programs, live performance and a sponsored presentation on slaughter and processing. The final day encompassed a demonstration of ventilation in hot and cold weather together with the use of a ventilation evaluation tool. 

Aviagen is now in its third year of involvement in the CP Poultry Production Course School. Improvements in Aviagen’s training programs are continual, as the company adds practical, hands-on training for attendees. The opportunity to get a class involved in a brooding setup or ventilation evaluation offers the perfect scenario for attendees to interact, learn from each other and take ideas back to the work environment.

These workshops are proving to be successful for participants, who use their skills and readily discuss options while training. Another key objective was to highlight new management information literature, which includes the 2016 nutrition specifications; a new breeder service publication; and the effective use of practical hatchery how-to documents.

“We are grateful to management for the chance to participate in the 4th CP Group Poultry Production Course and provide training for the event. It is a unique occasion to present expertise and support to a major customer and one we fully commit to in order to ensure it is of value and has application with participants,” commented Mark Wright, Regional Technical Manager, Aviagen Asia Pacific.

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