Ross 140 Club welcomes entries from Finland

Aviagen SweChick recently welcomed eight new entries from DanHatch Finland farmers to the Ross 140 Club.

Aviagen SweChick recently welcomed eight new entries from DanHatch Finland farmers to the Ross 140 Club at a seminar held in Kristalliranta.

Aviagen SweChick Ab, the parent stock supplier for Finland, formally recognized the achievement as part of a series of customer visits. Its customer service team, supported by Stuart Thomson, technical service manager, Aviagen UK Limited, proactively monitors flock performance and provides feedback and insights for farmers to encourage best practices. The team hosted meetings with 17 hatching egg producers from 11 contract farms as well as parent stock rearing farmers from an additional five farms.

Thomson said, “It is always a pleasure to celebrate the outstanding work of our customers. The 140 Club is a prestigious group to join. The award-winning results are a real testament to the stockmanship and determination of DanHatch Finland’s farmers, which was evidenced by our discussions throughout our visits.”

Hannu Tiuttu, technical and sales manager Aviagen SweChick, added, “I am delighted with the growth of the Ross 140 Club in Finland and the ongoing enthusiasm and commitment of our customers to this initiative.”

DanHatch Finland Ross 140 Club new entries
Ilolan Tila Oy. Rearing farm: Harjunmaa Jaana ja Juha. Chicks/HH: 141.9
Materon Tila Oy. Rearing farm: Harjunmaa Jaana ja Juha. Chicks/HH: 151.1
MTY Lindroos Allan ja Suni Mervi. Rearing farm: Harjunmaa Jaana ja Juha. Chicks/HH: 144.2
Rasisen Tila Oy. Rearing farm: Kurrun Kanala Oy. Chicks/HH: 158.7
Rasisen Tila Oy. Rearing farm: Harjunmaa Jaana ja Juha. Chicks/HH: 148.6
Ville Saarinen. Rearing farm: Kurrun Kanala Oy. Chicks/HH: 141.6
Ville Saarinen, Rearing farm: Korpela Juha ja Päivi. Chicks/HH: 140
H&K Simula Oy. Rearing farm: Vainio Sanna. Chicks/HH: 141.6

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