Women's Leadership Conference focuses on being champions

More than 120 women from various segments of the poultry industry recently gathered in Destin for USPOULTRY’s 2016 Women’s Leadership Conference.

More than 120 women from various segments of the poultry industry recently gathered in Destin, Fla., for USPOULTRY’s 2016 Women’s Leadership Conference. The meeting was packed with speakers who promoted professional and personal development, and this year’s theme centered on “Being a Woman Champion.”

Charlene Powell, Crider Foods, and planning committee chairperson, explained that “women champions are not just those who are successful in their careers. Being a champion includes encouraging and supporting fellow women whom you work with to work toward their full potential.”

“Women drive consumer preferences around the world and are the main decision makers when it comes to food for their family,” said Doug Ramsey, SVP/GM Big Bird Value Added for Tyson Foods. Ramsey went on to explain some of the trends that are being seen in food retail, and that when it comes to talking about food and how it is raised, women scientists are the most trusted sources. He encouraged the group, as women and as scientists, to utilize their trustworthiness to help other women to have more confidence in the food they purchase.

Wanda Moody, complex human resource manager for Keystone Foods, challenged attendees to strive for excellence in supervision. “Having a positive relationship with your supervisor is viewed as very important by employees. Human resource managers are less likely to have to address day-to-day issues if supervisors are maintaining good relationships with their teams,” Moody explained. She reminded the group that “employees will not get things right 100 percent of the time. A good leader knows that and will handle situations appropriately.”

Pauline Feddo, senior marketing manager for Wayne Farms, spoke to attendees on how to champion your career through personal branding. “Brands tell a story, set expectations, add value to a business, create referrals and is a promise. A personal brand is no different. Perception is reality, fair or not. Manage that perception and create your own brand,” Feddo said.

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