Infographic: 7 Certified Responsible Antibiotic Use rules

Developed by School Food Focus, CRAU enables poultry producers to carry a seal showing products have followed responsible antibiotic use practices

How Poultry Producers Can Comply With Crau Main Article

The Certified Responsible Antibiotic Use (CRAU) standard can help poultry producers establish a program of responsible antibiotic use.

Dr. Karin Hoelzer, DVM, PhD, officer in health programs, Pew Charitable Trust, said the CRAU standard is a good avenue for poultry producers, while speaking at the Chicken Marketing Summit on July 11.

The CRAU was developed by School Food Focus as a standard to minimize the use of antibiotics in poultry production, while offering schools a viable way to put a better chicken product on the menu, according to the School Food Focus website. CRAU is based on the judicious antibiotic use principles of practice developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in cooperation with the American Veterinary Medical Association.

CRAU is the first USDA certified standard that allows for minimal use of medically important antibiotics in poultry production, and only those prescribed by a licensed veterinarian. Poultry companies wishing to meet the CRAU standard must go through regular USDA audits to verify conformance.

In order for a poultry company’s products to carry the CRAU seal, poultry producers must comply with seven basic rules to restrict antibiotic use, which are highlighted in the corresponding infographic. The infographic also includes the CRAU’s three required management principles.

How poultry producers can comply with CRAU_INFOGRAPHIC

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