Novogen awarded at Bastos egg contest in Brazil

Since its launch in the Brazil market in 2010, Novogen has been distinguished every year with a title at the traditional Bastos egg competition in the white and/or brown egg categories.

Since its launch in the Brazil market in 2010, Novogen has been distinguished every year with a title at the traditional Bastos egg competition in the white and/or brown egg categories. Once again over 50 farms, participated in this contest.

For the 57th edition, the first prize in the brown egg category has been attributed to Granja Katsuhide Maki, a Novogen partner. With this 2016 title, Granja Katsuhide Maki accumulates 11 titles in the category. Christian Maki explains, “This success is the result of the excellent technical achievements with the Novogen Brown layer. Our farm has a capacity of 110,000 layers and has been working with the Novogen Brown since 2010.”

In the white egg category, Novogen’s partner Hirai Granja reached the third place with the Novogen White. The Granja Hirai farm has a capacity of 90,000 layers.

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