USPOULTRY video surpasses one million views

USPOULTRY’s “An Inside Look at U.S. Poultry Processing” video has surpassed one million views on YouTube in just over one year!

USPOULTRY’s “An Inside Look at U.S. Poultry Processing” video has surpassed one million views on YouTube in just over one year. The video takes a behind-the-scenes look at today’s high-tech, highly efficient U.S. poultry processing plants and highlights the food safety and sanitation practices employed by the modern poultry industry.

“Food production and safety are essential to upholding the reputation of the U.S. poultry industry for consumer confidence and trust. Collectively, proper handling, sanitation and microbial testing all result in improved food safety for chicken and turkey products. Producing poultry for consumption is modern agriculture at its best and addresses the world demand for food that is safe and affordable,” said Paul Pressley, executive vice president of industry programs for USPOULTRY.

“The poultry industry is proud to provide one of the safest and healthiest food options available to consumers and invites everyone to take a look inside of America’s dynamic poultry processing industry. It is through funds generated by the International Poultry Expo that USPOULTRY is able to create educational resources of this type. This video is only one example of the IPE funds that have been directed back into the industry over the years. We value the support of our members and exhibitors that has allowed USPOULTRY to create and distribute this information,” said Paul Hill, West Liberty Foods, Ellsworth, Iowa, and USPOULTRY chairman.

The video is viewable on USPOULTRY’s website, It can also be viewed on YouTube by clicking here and has been distributed to all USPOULTRY members, as well. For additional information, contact Paul Pressley at 678.514.1972 or via e-mail at [email protected].

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