Aviagen Latin America’s Dr. Jose Bruzual shares poultry health expertise at AAAP/AVMA convention

Dr. Jose Bruzual of leading global poultry breeder Aviagen® will address critical poultry industry health issues at the American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP) annual meeting, Aug. 5-9.

Jose BruzalDr. Jose Bruzual of leading global poultry breeder Aviagen® will address critical poultry industry health issues at the American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP) annual meeting, Aug. 5-9. The AAAP meeting will be held during the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) convention, Aug. 6-9, in San Antonio, Texas. 

During his presentation, Dr. Bruzual, who is currently Regional Technical Manager for Aviagen Latin America, will underscore the importance of regular, proper broiler breeder health evaluations to maintaining optimal bird health and quality. Broiler breeder reproductive physiology as it relates to preventing poultry health issues, as well as the correlation between body weight uniformity and poultry health and performance are other critical health topics that Dr. Bruzual will explore with his audience. 

He will also explain the importance of post-mortem pathological examinations, to disease identification and prevention. These examinations serve the poultry industry by pinpointing the underlying causes of diseases in general. Once causes are understood, avian illnesses can be minimized or even prevented, thus improving livability in future birds.

According to Kevin McDaniel, president, Aviagen North America, Aviagen veterinarians, geneticists and nutritionists regularly take part in key industry events such as the AAAP/AVMA convention. “We believe that our involvement in these meetings adds value to the poultry industry at large. When we share our knowledge and discoveries with our colleagues and customers in the industry, we make a useful contribution to broiler breeder health and customer productivity. Experts at Aviagen remain committed to the health and well-being of the birds in our care and to the success of the global poultry industry.”

About Dr. Bruzual

Dr. Bruzual received a doctor of veterinary medicine degree from Central University of Venezuela. He earned a Master’s in Poultry Science from North Carolina State University and also a Master in Avian Medicine from the University of Georgia (both in the U.S.). He has worked major poultry companies including Perdue Farms, Embrex, Inc. (now Zoetis) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as well as Protinal and Purina in Venezuela. 

As Regional Technical Manager for Aviagen Latin America he collaborates with fellow Aviagen specialists to maintain excellent bird performance for customers, providing them with advice and information to optimize their production. He has been with Aviagen for more than five years, and before becoming Regional Technical Manager, he served as regional technical service veterinarian for Aviagen’s Global Veterinary team.

About AAAP

For 57 years, AAAP has worked to enhance scientific knowledge and promote avian health through its many educational programs, outreach and publications.

Most of what AAAP does is made possible through a network of dedicated volunteers (aaap.info).

About AVMA

Established in 1863, AVMA is a non-profit association representing more than 88,000 veterinarians working in private and corporate practice, government, industry, academia, and uniformed services. Structured to work for its members, the AVMA acts as a collective voice for its membership and for the poultry profession (avma.org).

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