Top 10 Campylobacter control strategies

Broiler producers need to utilize a mixed approach to minimize Campylobacter in poultry flocks., decade3d, decade3d

Campylobacter infections in the EU cost an estimated EUR2.4 billion (US$2.72 million) per year, yet there is still no definitive solution to control it.

However, poultry producers can utilize several strategies to reduce the frequency of outbreaks, while simultaneously improving food safety and enhancing profits.

In this month's issue of Poultry International, we cover several Campylobacter control strategies that are being used by broiler producers, including the following management and nutritional strategies:

1) Extreme temperature intervention
2) Bacteriocins
3) Chlorine wash
4) Bacteriophages
5) Stringent biosecurity

Want to learn more about the remaining five strategies? Read this month's digital edition of Poultry International to find out what other strategies poultry producers are using to mitigate the risks of Campylobacter

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