Aviagen’s Dr. Kate Hayes presented at 65th western poultry disease conference in Vancouver, Canada

While vaccination plays an important role in Salmonella prevention, it should be complemented with other prevention measures such as an effective biosecurity program.

While vaccination plays an important role in Salmonella prevention, it should be complemented with other prevention measures such as an effective biosecurity program. Dr. Kate Hayes, production program veterinarian for Aviagen North America, explored the topic of salmonella vaccination during her presentation at the 65th Western Poultry Disease Conference (WPDC), April 25-27, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Kate HayesWith a vast repertoire of expertise that includes primary broiler breeders, salmonella prevention and biosecurity, Dr. Hayes is a production program veterinarian for Aviagen®, the world’s leading poultry breeding company. She has worked with the company for the past nine years, currently overseeing the health, biosecurity, and animal welfare of Aviagen North America’s great grandparent and grandparent broiler breeder flocks.

“At Aviagen, we continually strive to protect our valuable breeding stock from the threat of pathogens. Vaccination can be an effective tool to safeguard against disease. However, alone it is not enough,” advises Dr. Hayes “Vaccination must be administered as a careful supplement to an effective biosecurity program. Biosecurity is imperative to keep our birds healthy and provide the world’s consumers with a steady and sustainable supply of poultry meat.”

Welcoming more than 200 attendees, this year’s WPDC explored the theme of “Consumer Demand and Poultry Production.” In addition to the presentation by Dr. Hayes, participants also attended discussions on avian influenza, salmonella control, antimicrobial resistance and disease management.

Aviagen experts frequently share knowledge and expertise with colleagues and stakeholders in the poultry industry through conferences such as the WPDC,” said Dr. Eric Jensen, Aviagen’s vice president of Veterinary Services. “Supporting continuing education on current research in poultry health is important for success in this industry.”

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