World Poultry Foundation launches new website

The World Poultry Foundation launched its new website recently as part of its rebranding initiative.

The World Poultry Foundation launched its new website recently as part of its rebranding initiative.

Rebranding was implemented in 2015, when the World Poultry Foundation (WPF) was renamed from the unwieldy USAPEEC International Poultry Development Program (UIPDP). WPF also hired Randall Ennis, former CEO of Aviagen, as its new CEO.

The organization began its rebranding effort in 2015, acting on recommendations from a strategic planning retreat for its board of directors. In addition to the name change and hire of CEO, the WPF adopted a new logo.

“We are excited to launch the new WPF website,” said Ennis. “Prior to this re-branding initiative, there was no information available on the web about our efforts to provide poultry education and technical training in emerging markets.”

The website provides information about the WPF’s history, management committee, and its current projects in Angola, China, Ghana, Myanmar, Vietnam, and others. The site also links to the WPF’s new Facebook page. For more information, go to

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