Arkansas turkey farmers featured in online vignettes

Honeysuckle White® brand continues campaign of gratitude toward family farmers with a three-part series of online video vignettes, the first of which debuted on May 8.

Busily scurrying around Northwest Arkansas one recent week, a video production crew captured audio and images from a pair of family-owned farms that raise turkeys for Honeysuckle White®, and scouted a third farm for a future taping session. While curious, the turkeys were mostly oblivious to the activity related to videotaping efforts that will result in 60-second online vignettes celebrating farmers who produce the turkey we enjoy eating.

This is the second phase of a campaign that kicked off in January with a 30-second television ad featuring a Missouri turkey farmer. The first of the new online video vignettes can be viewed on Facebook, YouTube and brand websites. The second vignette will debut in late May, with a third appearing mid-summer.

These online vignettes complement that 30-second television commercial, which aired on networks during the winter months, and was also available on Hulu Plus, Netflix and HBO GO. An extended (90-second), video version of the TV ad is available via social media channels including Facebook.

"These short videos capture the essence of family farming, spotlighting the people who produce our turkeys. Our vignettes also help increase awareness in the marketplace for Honeysuckle White turkey products," said Jan Hood, head of marketing for the brand.

“We know consumers want a better connection to the people who produce food, and our campaign is a conduit for linking these two important groups. Families at the 700 farms that raise our turkeys work hard to ensure high-quality products are available 365 days a year for people across America. Through our videos, we show how fans applaud our independent family farmers for their commitment and passion for raising turkeys."

The vignettes also highlight that Honeysuckle White turkeys are raised without the use of antibiotics for growth promotion purposes.

Northwest Arkansas farms featured in the online video vignettes include: Lazy J Farms, owned and operated by Tammy and Jeff Plumlee; Usrey Farms, owned and operated by Justin and Chana Usrey; and Double L Farm, owned and operated by Jeff and Gloria Lindsey. 

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