Hendrix Genetics expands presence in Brazil egg sector

Hendrix Genetics has acquired the distribution activities of Hisex layers in a deal it reached with Interaves/Goboaves.

Hendrix Genetics is expanding its presence in the Brazilian egg industry with the acquisition of the distribution activities of Hisex layers. | Andrea Gantz
Hendrix Genetics is expanding its presence in the Brazilian egg industry with the acquisition of the distribution activities of Hisex layers. | Andrea Gantz

Hendrix Genetics has acquired the distribution activities of Hisex layers in a deal it reached with Interaves/Goboaves. The acquisition includes the existing Hisex parent stock layers and hatchery in Birigui, Brazil.

All staff involved will be retained.

The transaction between the two Brazilian companies was concluded in a positive atmosphere that ensures continuous supply and quality for all customers and keeping the focus on customer care, according to a press release issued by Hendrix Genetics.

 “As part of Hendrix Genetics’ continuing expansion, this acquisition will further strengthen our business relations with our existing customers and demonstrates our commitment to the Brazilian egg industry,” said Marco de Almeida, general manager of Hendrix Genetics Ltda.

“We believe that after fifteen years of building the Brazilian Hisex distribution within Interaves, it is time to transfer it to the supplier of the genetics, Hendrix Genetics,” added Roberto Kaefer, CEO of Globoaves. “We are convinced that the activities are in capable hands and with Hendrix we continue having open collaboration in other activities.” 

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