HatchTech celebrates 20th anniversary

Since the 1990s, the original ideal of HatchTech has dramatically improved incubation technology, growing it into a renowned concept that provides superior chick quality to the global poultry market. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, HatchTech sums up its accomplishments.

Since the 1990s, the original ideal of HatchTech has dramatically improved incubation technology, growing it into a renowned concept that provides superior chick quality to the global poultry market. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, HatchTech sums up its accomplishments.

Innovation is part of the company’s DNA, and HatchTech is proud to have proven that their innovations are successful. Whether it’s the famous laminar airflow concept or early feeding at the hatchery, field results from all over the globe show that HatchTech’s solutions consistently result in superior quality chicks. And they are gearing all their efforts to continuing these improvements in the future.

The ideal of superior chick quality may have started with just one man with a great idea, but now HatchTech is a team of more than 100 employees, located all over the globe. Together, they have secured the companies’ steady culture and strong concepts over the past 20 years. To celebrate this, the company recently treated the entire global team to a trip to the winter wonderland of Lapland.

“We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and partners who have supported us over the years, helping us to improve the global poultry industry,” says HatchTech’s President / CEO, Tjitze Meter. “We’re looking forward to a bright future with even more fruitful partnerships to support us on our ongoing superior chick quality journey.” 

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