Novometrix validates Elanco's Intestinal Integrity Index

Novometrix Research Inc. will present its validation of Elanco’s Intestinal Integrity Index (I2) as a comprehensive, single-source indicator of flock health and performance during IPPE.

Novometrix Research Inc. will present its validation of Elanco’s Intestinal Integrity Index (I2) as a comprehensive, single-source indicator of flock health and performance during IPPE on Jan. 27 at 12 p.m. Verified as an index that assesses enteric health and enables producers to compare commercial poultry flocks’ performances against industry averages, the I2 Index helps producers manage the enteric health of their flocks.

Dr. Jeff Wilson and the Novometrix team validated the index and will discuss:

  • How producers can use the index to monitor flock health and performance;
  • What types of health conditions are integrated into the metric and how these conditions are scored to assess a meaningful metric;
  • The role of bench marking analysis to track and compare flock health and performance over time;
  • Industry adaptation of a single comprehensive metric and what this adaptation means for flocks and producers;
  • Elanco’s initiative to help producers discover their flocks’ unique I2 Index

Data and analytics are increasingly driving health management decisions and the ways poultry producers manage the health of their flocks and business. As the poultry industry continues to navigate challenges that range from excess production and lower margins in some regions of the globe, to the judicious use of antibiotics, the availability of an index to assess and benchmark flock performance is allowing producers to clearly, consistently and efficiently monitor and maintain the health of their flocks.

The presentation will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center, Room A408.

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