Student recruiting grants designated

The USPOULTRY Foundation has awarded student recruiting grants totaling approximately $230,600 to six U.S. universities with poultry science departments and 20 other institutions with industry-related programs.

The USPOULTRY Foundation has awarded student recruiting grants totaling approximately $230,600 to six U.S. universities with poultry science departments and 20 other institutions with industry-related programs. The Foundation provides annual recruiting and retention funds to colleges and universities to attract students to their poultry programs. 

The six poultry science departments receiving the grants are Auburn, Mississippi State, North Carolina State, Texas A&M, and the universities of Arkansas and Georgia. Twenty other institutions with industry-related programs received recruiting and retention grants under the Foundation’s Industry Education Recruitment Funding Program.

The grants were made possible by gifts from companies, families and individuals including Tyson Foods, Sanderson Farms, Ingram Farms, Simmons Foods, the Stanley Frank Family Foundation, Monty & Margot Henderson Recruiting Fund and Virginia Poultry Growers Cooperative.

“It is important that we continue to interest bright young people to study careers in the poultry industry.” said Sherman Miller, Cal-Maine Foods, and USPOULTRY chairman. “We need sharp young managers to join our companies, as they may one day be the leaders of tomorrow. USPOULTRY Foundation recruiting grants play a crucial role in inspiring students to enroll in industry-related studies and in becoming future industry leaders of tomorrow.” 

U.S. Poultry & Egg Association established the USPOULTRY Foundation in 1994 to provide student recruiting funds to universities with poultry science departments. In 2004, the Poultry Science Education Funding Program, now named the Industry Education Recruitment Funding Program, was added to the Foundation’s umbrella so other colleges and universities that offer industry-related studies are eligible to apply for recruiting grants.

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